Cyborg: A Documentary

Directed by Carey Born | UK | 2023 | 1h 28m

Neil Harbisson aims to show the world that enhancing human senses with technology is a positive force. Born with the inability to see colour, he had an ‘eyeborg’ antenna implanted in his skull at 21, allowing him to hear colour through sound frequencies. Along with artist Moon Ribas, Harbisson co-founded the Cyborg Foundation to promote new technological senses and the Transpecies Society, which advocates for non-human identities and the freedom of self-design. In Carey Born’s compelling documentary, Neil and Moon address their critics and explore their vision for humanity’s technological future.

Tickets are now available for this one-off screening featuring a Q&A with director Carey Born and a panel of expert speakers, including UOIs Dr Chris Register.

Venue: Ultimate Picture Palace, Jeune Street, Cowley Road, Oxford, OX4 1BN

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